brief thought snippets

funniest memory i have, must be about 15 years ago,, saw a fat guy fall

9th October 2023

let's talk with certainty about being an intro- or extrovert as if these concepts make sense to grasp as a dichotomal binary and aren't as or even more vague than gender

3rd October 2023

the moral obligation of hurting the person who tells you that pain and discomfort transmutates into personal growth

3rd October 2023

i am listening to the stock ringtones on my phone on the street like a girl on rollerskates in the 90s with a boombox would

10th June 2023

wow you think the world isn't just black and white but in various greytones? mind blown bro that's really original and amazing and it's totally not like you're just masquerading your uninformed vague skepticism as "nuanced thinking".

22nd May 2023

idea for a feminist street art name: mauerblümchen
price for using it: 50.000€ for unlimited usage or 2.000€ per work

22nd May 2023

currently listening to my playlist of yelping dogs and the sound of echoey footsteps on marble flooring

25th April 2023

there's a big mushroom growing on my head


7th April 2023

why has no one told me before how tasty poison ivy berries are?!

4th April 2023

does biting your nails qualify as autocannibalism?

4th April 2023